Coverage for all
Health, & Life
Stubblefield Insurance Agency, LLC
Insurance Associates of Olney
Boulter Insurance Agency

Reliable Insurance For Your Needs
Let Us Help Cover All of Your Bases

Health Insurance
Health insurance is the best way to protect yourself and your family. Health insurance plans cover a wide variety of medical expenses, including visits to the doctor, prescriptions and other medication, lab tests and x-rays, hospital stays, emergency room visits, and more. Health insurance also covers some non-medical services, such as mental health counseling or substance abuse treatment.
Many people choose to buy health insurance through their employer or get coverage through a government program like Medicaid or Medicare. But there may be times when you need to purchase individual health care coverage on your own. Individual healthcare plans are available for people who don’t have access to group healthcare coverage through their employers or government programs like Medicaid or Medicare. At Stubblefield Insurance Agency, LLC, we will help you get set up with the individual or group plan that works for you.
Get Started Today
Life Insurance
Life insurance is a financial product that you can buy to protect your family in the event of your death. There are many types of life insurance policies, and they all have different features and costs.
Term Life
Provides coverage for a set period of time—usually 10 or 20 years. Term life insurance doesn’t build any cash value and provides protection only if you die during this period. After the term expires, the policy lapses if you don’t renew it.
Universal Life
Universal life insurance is more complex than term life, as it offers both death benefits and cash value accounts for your premiums over time—you can invest these premiums in mutual funds or other investments so that they grow over time.
Whole Life
Whole life insurance combines elements of both term and universal policies by offering protection for your whole life along with potential investments as well as cash value accounts so that premiums can be paid off without ever having to touch those investments again after they’ve grown sufficiently large enough to pay off all outstanding debts associated with them (including medical bills) upon death or lapse (when policies expire).
Final Expense Policy
This policy provides you with a lump sum payment after the insured passes away, which can be used to pay for funeral costs or any other funeral expenses. It’s a great way to take care of your loved ones without having to worry about how they’ll pay for these expenses themselves.

Stubblefield Insurance Agency, LLC
[email protected]
Insurance Associates of Olney
[email protected]
Boulter Insurance Agency
Business Hours:
(For all locations)
Monday – Thursday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM